The wind whips and whirls around the trees making the mountains dance as God's provision is audible in the Collegiate Mountains. The steam rises slowly from the spring heated pool in the morning sunrise and all is still.
Jeff Johnson Band humming the morning tune riding down a Texas highway as the city awakens around the 15 passenger van. What appear to be carnival rides take their place in the church parking lot and the gauntlet comes alive with pure joy and jumping feet.
My heart longs for these places.
The mountains bounce with laughter as God's children explore the wild beauty and stop to take notice of their Creator for most, the first time. Stars gleam into tear filled eyes as they upward turn their hearts along with their faces. Glory resounds.
Children are allowed to be children away from broken families and expectations in the halls of an ordinary church. Every room reverberates with roaring joy as with one voice 180 children join together in black light with significance larger than themselves. They dance with squirming giggles as the cannot contain their excitement any longer. Glory resounds.
My soul tearfully yearns for such places.
It is so incredibly hard to be present in today when my heart breaks for Heavenly spots. We were not designed for the mundane. We were designed with the initial purpose to constantly commune with God in a place where there is no death, no hurt, no pain. We are designed to walk with The Lord and dance in glory.
How difficult it is to sit in a lecture or lab and work against the grain.
I know I am called to be a student in College Station for only a short period of time and I know that we are not called to the mountain top forever. We are called to dwell in the valley with the hurt and the lost as Jesus did. But why must it be so hard to let go of the glimpses of Heaven?
Sweet community based on honesty and trust and labor solely for Christ alone. The beauty of the mountains glistening with the rising sun and echoing the joy of children experiencing their King for the first time. Being a personal jungle gym for 8 tiny human koala bears as they whisper they love you mixed in with the innocent hair peanut butter smears.
My soul longs for the extraordinary. My heart yearns for majestic adventure with my God.
It can be found here in the 'mundane' and 'ordinary.' I desire heavily for it to be revealed to me. I want to glorify You with every day not just those in direct experience with the Heaven places.
Teach me to be steadfast in all scenery.
We wait for you to come and show your glory here today.
Oh hallelujah come.